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Dear Importer,
As of August 18th, 2024, The Canadian National Railway Co. (CN) has issued a 72-hour lockout notice to the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC), and all train movements within Canada will cease as of August 22 at 00:01 ET. Additionally, any trains coming from the US will also be stopped at the border.
A work stoppage of this magnitude will put inordinate pressure on all transportation methods around the country, additionally, there is no way to know when this labor action will end. Patience and proactive steps are advised in the coming weeks and months as alternative supply chains are tested.
Our previous update on this situation, including details on steps that CN has already taken, can be found here:
The full embargo schedule and other information about the ongoing labor action are here.
As a valued PCB client, we will monitor this investigation closely and inform you of any updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 866.535.4038 for assistance, but be advised that our ability to influence or circumvent this ongoing labor action or the stresses it will invariable put on national supply chains is limited.
We are here to help in any way that we can.