Don't Delay - Get Set Up For ACI eManifest
As we make our way through the dog days of summer, most people are either on vacation, wishing they were on vacation, or covering for a co-worker who is on vacation. Summer is the time to think about spending time at the lake or going camping, not the time to think about topics like ACI eManifest compliance. But, just to put things in perspective, it has already been five months since Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced the postponement of ACI eManifest implementation. It will only be the blink of an eye and the deadline for full compliance will be upon us.
On March 6th of this year, when CBSA announced the extension of the "Informed Compliance" period for ACI eManifest participation, many non-compliant carriers breathed a sigh of relief.
Use The ACI eManifest Implementation Delay To Your Advantage
At the time of that news release, CBSA stated that mandatory compliance had been postponed until "fall of 2013". They further stated that they would give carriers "as much as 45 days advance notice of the mandatory compliance date". While CBSA has yet to update that news release or specify a date for full implementation, it is quite clear that the clock is ticking and fall will be here before we know it.
Highway carriers that wait for the 45 day notice from CBSA may be dismayed to find that it can take that long or more to get registered. Add that to the time it will take to update and refine your paperwork processes, and you may find that, even with the best of intentions, you are still on the outside looking in.
So, before you head off to the cottage or hit the beach, give some thought to getting the ball rolling on your ACI eManifest registration. Border Pro for Carriers can take the hassle of getting registered off of your plate with our full and self filing service options. If you are still uncertain about ACI eManifest and how it will affect your business contact our Border Pro eManifest Team at 855.542.6644 or via email at carrierhelpdesk@pcb.ca and we would be happy to discuss it with you.
How Carriers Can Meet ACI eManifest Document Demands