Use The ACI eManifest Implementation Delay To Your Advantage
On March 6, 2013, CBSA issued the following news release:
eManifest Informed Compliance Period For Highway Carriers Extended
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced today that due to timelines associated with regulatory processes, the CBSA is extending the eManifest informed compliance period for highway carriers. Regulations to enforce eManifest requirements for highway carriers are expected to be in place in fall 2013. The CBSA anticipates being able to provide carriers as much as 45 days advance notice of the mandatory compliance date.
eManifest is a major transformational initiative that impacts all areas of commercial cross-border processes. The CBSA applauds highway carriers who have adopted eManifest requirements and is pleased with the continual increase in eManifest transmissions.
While many carriers have been early adopters of the program, and others have jumped on board recently, it is safe to say that there are still a significant number of cross-border carriers that have yet to register as participants. CBSA is hopeful that these carriers will use this extension wisely and get set up to file eManifests soon, so that they can work the bugs out of their systems before the full compliance deadline.
During the informed compliance period, no penalties will be assessed to carriers for eManifest related non-compliance. However, once full compliance is mandatory, carriers who have not met all of their obligations with respect to this program, will be subject to AMPS (Administrative Monetary Penalty System).
Hefty AMPS Penalties For ACI eManifest Non-Compliance
Carriers that have been proactive and embraced the ACI eManifest program will have a significant advantage when the deadline for full compliance hits. These carriers will have had the benefit of refining their processes while being able to transmit cargo and conveyance data without fear of penalties.
Another benefit to early adoption is that you can beat the rush. Historically, as each deadline has approached, the waiting period for registration in the program has increased dramatically. In other words, if you wait until the 45 day notice that CBSA has promised, you may still be too to late to get fully compliant in advance of that deadline.
It is important to note that, regardless of the delays with regard to the implementation of this program, ACI eManifest will be implemented. The longer you have had to perfect your systems, the better chance you will have of avoiding delays and penalties due to non-compliance.
If you have any further questions regarding ACI eManifest, please contact our Border Pro eManifest Team at 855.542.6644 or via email at carrierhelpdesk@pcb.ca. We also welcome your questions regarding ACI eManifest and its implementation in our comments section below.
5 Frequently Asked Questions About ACI eManifest | Part 1