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From CN Rail:
We would like to update you on the status of our rail network.
We are pleased to inform you that all embargoes related to rail blockades have been lifted.
We appreciate your patience as we complete our network recovery process, which will take several weeks. The entire CN team is fully committed to returning to the level of reliable service to which you are accustomed as quickly as possible.
Should you require any further information please contact your Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.
Thank you,
From CN Rail:
Given the rapidly evolving situation, here is the latest status of the illegal rail blockades on the CN rail network.
In eastern Canada, the illegal blockade in Tyendinaga, ON, east of Belleville, ON is in the process of being cleared. We are working on resuming operations on this part of our network.
In western Canada, our recovery plan continues. We are working relentlessly to return to the level of service you are accustomed to across the entire Western region as quickly as possible.
Due to the unpredictability of the situation on our network, we are monitoring matters very closely and continue to adjust our operations to safely serve customers as best we can in the face of these challenges.
We would like to thank you for your patience and support during these difficult times. We would also like to thank supply chain partners, our rail partners, industry associations and local chambers of commerce for their support. Railways in North America regularly cooperate with one another during unforeseen interruptions to their networks to ensure that critical goods are delivered to customers and communities that they serve.
We will be communicating as soon as information is available concerning this rapidly evolving situation.
Should you require any further information please contact your Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.
Thank you,
From CN Rail:
We would like to update you on the status of the illegal blockades on our rail network.
A new illegal blockade has been set up on our mainline in Saint Lambert, QC approximately 13 KM east of Montreal, QC. The blockade is affecting the movement of goods between Montreal, QC and Halifax, NS, as well as passenger and commuter traffic. This illegal blockade is unrelated to CN's activities. We will be taking the necessary legal actions under the circumstances.
The illegal blockade in Spruce Grove, AB, west of Edmonton, AB has ended however; the illegal blockade in Tyendinaga, ON, east of Belleville, ON, is ongoing and now into its 13th day.
We would like to thank you for your patience and support during this difficult time. We would also like to thank all the industry associations and our supply chain partners for their support.
Should you require any further information please contact your Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.
Thank you,