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On April 8th, 2020 the CFIA updated the Import requirements for Mexican origin Cilantro/Coriander (coriandrum sativum) and Cantaloupe (cucumis melo).
CFIA will only allow the importation of Mexican Cantaloupes and Cilantro if the growers and packers have been certified by the Mexican government under the System for the Reduction of Contamination Risks (SRRC).
The grower or packers recognition number from SENASICA* SRRC must be listed on the customs documents used for importation, typically a COS (Confirmation of Sale) form.
This is a new requirement for Cilantro and an update to the current import requirements for Cantaloupe.
*SENASICA is Mexico’s Service for the National Health for Food Safety and Food Quality which has oversight of food safety controls for fresh fruits and vegetables. CFIA has deemed their certification program is acceptable to minimize the risk of contaminated food.
A list of certified grower/packers can be obtained from the SENASICA website at Empresas reconocidas en SRRC en la Producción Primaria de Vegetales