ACI eManifest - The Backup Plan

ACI eManifest - The Backup Plan

With the November 1, 2012 deadline for ACI eManifest compliance looming closer, Pacific Customs Brokers has launched an extensive phone and email campaign to ensure that carriers are aware of their responsibilities and are registered with the Canada Border Services Agency as eManifest participants.

We have found that the more proactive carriers have already registered with a third party service provider or directly with CBSA with the intent of using their web portal. Other carriers that were contacted admitted that they were aware of the deadline but had not yet taken the necessary steps to register.

Carriers that have not yet registered need to act quickly as there is currently a four week waiting period for registration. CBSA officials confirmed as late as last week that trucks arriving at the border without properly filing the necessary information one hour in advance will be denied entry.

Carriers that are registered with a third party service provider, or who plan to use the CBSA web portal, may want to consider having a backup plan in the event of system failures, power outages, internet connectivity issues, etc. There is no cost to carriers to register with Pacific Customs Brokers as a third party service provider but it does give you a viable and instantly available alternative in the event that you cannot file your eManifest for any reason. Bear in mind that the same registration waiting period will apply but once setup, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what happens, you will have the ability to file with CBSA as required.

In summation, carriers that have not yet registered need to act immediately in order to get compliant prior to November 1, 2012. Carriers that have registered should strongly consider the insurance policy of having a backup plan in place "have an alternative method of filing your eManifest."

To learn more attend the next ACI eManifest Information Session, Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 10:00 am to 11:30 am (morning session) or 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (evening session). For details and to register »

5 Frequently Asked Questions About ACI eManifest | Part 1
carrier assistance
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About the Author
Darren Turnbull

While we strive for accuracy in all our communications, as the Importer of Record it is incumbent upon your company to ensure that you are aware of the requirements under the new regulations so that you maintain compliance as always.