CBSA Integrated Import Declaration And Single Window Initiative
What Is The Integrated Import Declaration?
The Integrated Import Declaration (IID) is part of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) “Single Window Initiative” (SWI). The IID is intended to simplify the import process for importers and streamline the decisions made by the CBSA and Participating Government Agencies (PGAs) who regulate imports into Canada. CBSA will share the data they receive with the applicable PGAs and their government programs.
What Is The Single Window Initiative?
How The Integrated Import Declaration Works?
The IID serves as both a post and pre-arrival release option and can be sent to the CBSA for processing up to 90 days prior to the arrival of the goods.
After submitting the IID to the CBSA, CBSA will identify the regulating PGA for the commodity on the IID, validate the IID data fields against the mandatory, conditional and optional data of that regulating PGA and then share that information with the applicable PGA for their release decision. Once a release decision is made by the PGA, CBSA will conduct their own risk assessment before the goods are released into Canada. The release decision is shared with the Importer/Broker and the Carrier.
Single Window Initiative Requires Additional Data For Your IID
When Is The Integrated Import Declaration Mandatory?
The CBSA will decommission the legacy service options SO463 and SO471 for Other Government Department (OGD) regulated goods by April 1, 2019.
What Participating Government Agencies Are Affected By CBSA Single Window Initiative?
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
- Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
- Health Canada (HC)
- Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
- Transport Canada (TC)
What Is The Deadline To Onboard To The Integrated Import Declaration?
The deadline to onboard to the SWI IID (SO911) is January 1, 2019, which means all existing clients are expected to have completed testing and be certified to transmit via the SWI IID (SO911). Clients who have on-boarded to the SWI IID (SO911) but continue to use the legacy OGD service options (SO463 and SO471) after December 31,2018, may experience delays in processing. Clients are encouraged to use the SO911 for regulated goods. After April 1, 2019, these legacy options will not be available.
Deadline Of Single Window Initiative Extended By CBSA
If you need assistance with your IID submission and compliance with the CBSA and PGA regulations, Pacific Customs Brokers is certified to transmit your IID to Customs. Please contact us toll-free at 1.888.538.1566.