Top 3 Blogs Of 2020

Top 3 Blogs Of 2020

With 2020 coming to a close, we thought we would take some time to look back on the top 3 blogs published this year.

2020 was a tumultuous year with many challenges for consumers and businesses of all sizes. The start of the year showed promise with strong economic forecasts despite trade disputes causing a thickening of borders.

In North America, USMCA/CUSMA/T-MEC came into force in a relatively smooth transition from the previous NAFTA. From our observations, most importers didn’t miss a beat during their transition from the use of one to the other.

But soon the world economy suffered a catastrophic event not seen in a century: the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite its challenges, the world rallied and we opened our doors again with new restrictions, and social protocols designed to keep everyone healthy and safe while conducting business as-not-so-usual. This brought new import and freight challenges as the necessity for certain items spiked.

We are very fortunate to have an engaged and robust readership of the PCB Trading Post, which features a new blog each week. The content we produced was a direct reflection of the challenges 2020 created for international traders of all sizes. So without further adieu, let’s jump in and see the top 3 blogs in 2020.

3rd Place: Importing Puppies And Kittens

How To Import A Dog From The US Into Canada

One of the unexpected challenges of 2020 came from the land border between Canada and the US closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With that closure, all of the sudden there was a need to ship pets across international lines with a formal customs entry. Overnight, many pet adopters, buyers, and rescuers were struggling to understand how to get puppies and kittens across the border under these new requirements.

Prior to the borders being closed, Canadians could simply drive down to a US state to pick up their new furry family member and then drive them back into Canada. Since they were personally escorting the pets across the border, a formal entry was not required with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

Once the border closed, these same families were now required to hire a commercial carrier to transport their pets across the border on their behalf. As a result, CBSA would now require a formal entry for the import of the puppy.

Our phones began ringing off the hook with families looking for help. We partnered with several reputable carriers across the country to help them get their new member of the family home.

As a result, some of our days in the office became a little brighter as puppies were dropped off, ready for pick up. While organizing their own entry and other complicated international freight movements for other clients, our staff were delighted to have the extra company the furry friends provided.

We were so happy to provide this help to families. With every new wagging tail that found PCB their first little home - however briefly - the spirit in the office grew and grew.

For more information on the requirements of importing pets into Canada, visit our service page here.


How To Fill Out A Certification Of Origin Under The CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC
CUSMA Or USMCA | Everything You Need To Know About The New NAFTA - Part 1

2020 was the year we saw the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) be replaced with what is referred to as:

  • US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), in the US
  • Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), in Canada
  • Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, in Mexico; or
  • NAFTA 2.0

NAFTA 2.0 came with a new understanding and certification process, which resulted in some confusion; however, for the most part, importers easily adopted the new NAFTA with relative ease.

For more information on NAFTA 2.0, please visit our resource page here.

1st Place: Importing PPE

Getting COVID19 Medical Supplies Into Canada

It is no surprise that the top blogs of 2020 related to the top news story of the year, COVID-19. 

With Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in short supply and a sharp increase in consumer demand for hand sanitizer, many business owners scrambled to understand the import requirements of these goods and grappled with securing transportation when international travel ground to an all but halt.

Our team strives to anticipate the needs of international traders by keeping an eye on markets, trends, regulatory bodies, and the changes they propose; however, we didn’t see this need coming. To meet the surge in demand for information, our team began creating content on how to import and ship these highly needed goods into Canada and the US, which took the top spot on our blog list for months.

Looking for the import requirements of PPE into Canada? Click here.

We will be taking a break from publishing blogs for the holidays but will return the second week of January with some exciting new content and announcements.

It is with a hopeful heart and determined spirit that we forge forward into the new year excited to help you grow your business through international trade. 

Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

Customs Broker
Disclaimer: While reading, kindly note the date of this blog. At PCB we do our due diligence to write on the most relevant topic every week and naturally content may become dated as developments in a certain program/topic occur. For this reason, we greatly appreciate your readership and hope you continue reading with the posting date in mind. For the latest information on this topic please use our website's search function, or better yet, subscribe to our "Trading Post" newsletter to receive these updates directly to your inbox.
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About the Author
Taryn Hannah

Taryn Hannah is General Manager for PCB Canadian Operations, directly overseeing the Release, Trade Compliance, and Office Administration teams. Taryn has been a trade professional since 2005, specializing in strategic and operational process building and management. She began her career with PCB in release operations, which built a strong foundation in many entry modes. In 2010 Taryn became the Supervisor of our Trade Compliance Group, working with staff and clients to understand regulatory documentation, labeling, data, and timing requirements for all imports into Canada. Over the years, she has become an expert in Participating in Government Agency dealings and has been called upon to speak at events such as Vancouver Fashion Week and various customized courses for industry and associations. Taryn has been recognized for her expert knowledge by receiving the designations of Customs Compliance Specialist (CCS) and Certified Trade Compliance Specialist (CTCS) from the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers.

While we strive for accuracy in all our communications, as the Importer of Record it is incumbent upon your company to ensure that you are aware of the requirements under the new regulations so that you maintain compliance as always.